Waiting for The Big B in Bloomsbury

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15feb_AmitabhBachchan-BBCAsianAmitabh Bachchan, the legend of Bollywood, joined BBC Asian Network’s Tommy Sandhu in conversation on the 27th of January.  The veneue was Bloomsbury Theatre, London.

Walking down a cold London street en-route, my phone buzzed in my pocket. It was Bodrul reporting on the enormosity of the queue. Now, we British are famous for queues,  but this queue had stretched all the way down the street. What’s more, people were smiling and waiting excitedly to see their hero, to see their Babu Moshai, their Don, their Anthony Gonsalvez.

We caught up with some of the hard core fans amidst the queue  to find out more on their love for The big B:

He was the actor who we at lunch times would bunk schools  for the afternoon and sit down and watch Silsila for the entire afternoon! – Sonu, London

Been waiting in the queue since 1:30pm… to see Amitabh Bachchan. He is an icon. A legend! He’s actually been one of those people who has had such a good career in movies – I mean from when he first started until now – which is fantastic. No one else has been able to do that – Randeep, Bedford

We’ve been queuing up since a quarter to three because he is a superstar! A living legend! He is the key to our hearts!…He is just an amazing man. I don’t think tehre is anyone, nor will there be anyone like him – Kam, West London.

Bunking off school, love declarations and fond memories. The love Amitabh admirers feel certainly resonated through Bloomsbury auditorium.

Watch this space for coverage of Tommy Sandhu’s conversation with Amitabh Bachchan soon to air on the 4th of February.

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