“With Due Respects, Ma’am Toilet: Ek Prem Katha Was Not A Flop” – Producer Prerna Arora Responds To Jaya Bachchan

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Jaya Bachchan never minces words. And most of the time, people love her outspokenness. However, her recent statement calling out the 2017 Akshay Kumar film Toilet: Ek Prem Katha as an inappropriately titled flop has not gone down well with some.

The film Toilet: Ek Prem Katha’s co-producer Prerna Arora is wounded by the slight. “Let me first state I am a huge HUGE fan of Jayaji. For me, she is the ultimate. I can watch Guddi, Uphaar, Abhimaan and Mili anytime, anywhere, and feel happy about life. It is, therefore, very hurtful to hear her say our film Toilet: Ek Prem Katha was a flop. Ma’am should check the box office figures. Our film earned a very handsome profit at the box office. It was one of the five biggest hits of 2017.”

As for the title, Prerna reveals it was retained after considerable debate. “We weren’t sure about the title. It seemed risky to have the word ‘toilet’ in the title, and that too before ‘A Love Story’. But eventually, we settled for the edgy title. As a producer, I have taken risks. What is cinema if it sticks to the expected? Jaya Ma’am took risks with her role choices all the time. She did Doosri Sita about a woman who murders her abusive husband. Toilet: Ek Prem Katha is a film I am very proud of. I would like to show it to Jaya Ma’am if she would permit.”

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