10 Fabulous Bolly-song Moves!

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One of the greatest things about Bollywood is the song sequences! Audiences wait impatiently for the hero-heroine to break into that first song and dance number. Over the years the songs and style of music has changed but there are some common moves that you see in many a Bolly song. We thought it would be fun to list of the 10 most common moves/sequences in Bollywood movie songs! Bet you know and have seen each one!

The One with the Snuggle:
This one definitely needs no introduction. Seen in almost every other Bollywood song – the romantic ones especially- the prelude to this sequence is generally the hero and the heroine running towards each other in slow motion with the hero finally hugging her as she nuzzles sweetly against him. Most overdone but also the sweetest one, we are sure this will never go out of fashion.

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