Abusive blogger forces Big B to approach police

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Amitabh Bachchan was one of the first celebrities to embrace social networking in the forms of blogging and Twitter. His active interactions with the fans are wholesome, informative, visually supported by pictures at regular intervals and indeed entertaining for his followers.

However, this habit has proved to be a tad bit problematic for Big B when an unknown person turned offensive and posted derogatory messages in response to BIG B’s posts. The disrespectful behaviour of remarks did not stop there as the person further resorted to sending similar messages on Mr. Bachchan’s mobile.

“There is a serious effort by a member that writes and comments on this blog to use language and expression that is abusive, filthy and utterly disgusting. This individual has been sending me the most unprintable abuse on sms on my phone. I have, after great tolerance for many months, now reported the matter to the police and they will be taking serious punitive action,” Mr. Bachchan recently posted on his blog.

As many experts have observed, ‘social networking is a double-edged sword’. While it does help bridge gaps between celebs and fans and assists film promotions and marketing, it does not prevent troublemakers from getting personal, foul, callous or abusive.

Now it’s a wait and watch situation to see how long would it take for the cyber crime cell to ‘NET’ the menace.

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