It has just been announced that Anushka Sharma and Varun Dhawan will be starring in a new YRF film. Titled Sui Dhaaga – Made in India, the film has been written and directed by Sharat Katariya of the National Award winning film and brilliant superhit Dum Laga Ke Haisha. Produced by Maneesh Sharma, the movie is a heartwarming tale of pride and self-reliance. Intrigued? So are we!
Producer Maneesh Sharma gives us a glimpse into the film, “This story has its roots in the heart of India, and reflects the passion that runs through the veins of every Indian.” And adds he thinks Anushka and Varun are the perfect pair for the characters in the film, “Sui Dhaaga is a story that will resonate with all of us and with Varun and Anushka I think we have found just the right vehicles to tell it.”
Anushka Sharma is excited about the essence of Sui Dhaaga and looking forward to begin the film, “I always get excited with unique ideas of human interest stories. Sui Dhaaga is a story of self-reliance that I believe will connect to the grassroots level with every Indian. And am really looking forward to work with Varun Dhawan and the team of Maneesh Sharma and Sharat Katariya.”
Varun also is very happy about the film and to be working with Anushka for the first time. He says, “I really liked the script Sharat had written. From Gandhiji to Modiji, our country’s leaders have always endorsed the mantra of ‘Made in India’. With Sui Dhaaga, I am proud to take their message to millions of movie lovers in a manner that is entertaining and relevant.”
After the success of Dum Laga Ke Haisha, Katariya is ready but nervous to begin this new journey. “Finally, we have a story worth telling. There is excitement mixed with nervousness, and also the joy of reuniting with old friends and new collaborators. Everyone is more experienced than before, but we are hoping that we’ll be able to work with the same innocence and joy.”
With such an amazing team on board, Sui Dhaaga-Made In India certainly is a film we can’t wait to know more about and then see on the big screen.
However, we do have a bit of a wait though, sadly, because the film does not go to the floor until January and will release on Gandhi Jayanti, October 2nd 2018.
You can bet we will bring you all the scoop so watch this space!