Legendary actor Kabir Bedi, music superstar Machel Montano and acclaimed actress Natalie Perera star in the groundbreaking film BAZODEE, a new style Bollywood musical with a distinctly Caribbean island flavor. Releasing in theaters on August 5, the film is set on the vivid, colorful island of Trinidad and pulsing with the sensuous dance rhythms of soca music, which is the soul of calypso music from Trindad and Tobago. Baz’oh’dee (Adj. Trinidadian Slang): A state of dizziness or confusion – often used with regards to love or infatuation.
Check out the cool trailer!
The film tells the story of Anita Panchouri (Natalie Perera), the dutiful Indian daughter of a deep in debt businessman (Kabir Bedi) is about to marry a wealthy Londoner (Staz Nair) when a chance encounter with a local singer, Lee de Leon (Soca music star Machel Montano in his film debut) sets things askew. In search of a muse, de Leon agrees to perform at the engagement party for both families. Unable to deny their mutual attraction, and with the excitement of Carnival approaching, Anita must now choose between the answer to her family’s financial prayers and the possibility of real love.
Music and passion collide when BAZODEE hits theaters on August 5!