Deepika Padukone and Farhan Akhtar’s alleged link-up has had all the limelight, both before and after the release of their film Karthik Calling Karthik. Be it an interview, or a promotional event for the movie, both Farhan and Deepika have been bombarded with the same question.
Allegations that the Ranbir-Deepika break-up happened due to Deepika’s link-up with Farhan and Farhan’s wife asking hubby Farhan to avoid Deepika, and not invite her to his birthday party, floated for quite sometime in the Tinsel Town winds.
But Deepika simply rubbishes all these allegations and requests the media not to write about Farhan, and her link-up, because he’s married and Deepika has a family to answer too.
The young lass is unaffected by all these rumors and is proud to have supportive parents who trust her. On being asked by Koel Puri about her intimate scene with Farhan which was toned down because Farhan’s wife, Adhuna, didn’t like it, Deepika replied confidently that KCK is a romantic thriller and the chemistry between her and Farhan has to come out on the screen as the script demands it. She also states that having a good chemistry on screen doesn’t mean the same off screen.
Well Deepika, there’s no smoke without a fire. Not just this, Deepika seems very diplomatic and professional when it comes to working with ex-beau Ranbir. She totally has no hassles.