Inspired by the untold true story of India’s first and deadliest airstrike, Sky Force brings forth an unparalleled narrative of courage and patriotism, led by the dynamic duo Akshay Kumar and debutant Veer Pahariya. After the stupendous response on the trailer, the makers have dropped the first song – ‘Maaye’, the heart of this powerful film, serves as a tribute to the unsung heroes who gave it all to defend the nation. This Republic Day week, the anthem will stand as a stirring reminder of the sacrifices made to reclaim India’s glory.
Composed by the prolific Tanishk Bagchi, sung soulfully by B Praak, and penned with heartfelt emotion by Manoj Muntashir, Maaye encapsulates the spirit of bravery and resilience.
Check out the song that has gone viral on social media, amassing over 17 million+ views on YouTube alone.
As Tanishk Bagchi shares, “Maaye holds a very special place in my heart because it gave me the opportunity to translate the immense courage and sacrifices of our heroes into music. Composing this anthem was about capturing the soul of their bravery and giving it a voice that will stay with people forever. I hope this song becomes a reminder of the countless sacrifices made for our freedom.”
The song was launched by Akshay Kumar and Veer Pahariya recently in Jaipur, creating a memorable event filled with emotion and patriotism. Against the vibrant backdrop of the tricolour, the actors paid a heartfelt salute that set the tone for the occasion. The duo spoke about the film and the emotional depth of the song, while
singer B Praak joined digitally to perform Maaye alongside them, amplifying the emotional atmosphere.
Akshay, visibly moved, shared his personal connection to the uniform, saying, “My father was in the Army, so this feeling is ingrained in me. When I wear a uniform, it imbues me with strength.”
Directed by Sandeep Kewlani and Abhishek Kapur, Sky Force is a tribute to India’s unsung heroes, celebrating their courage, sacrifice, and camaraderie. Produced by Dinesh Vijan, Jyoti Deshpande, and Amar Kaushik, and distributed overseas by Moviegoers Entertainment and Phars Film. As the soul of Sky Force, this anthem will resonate with every Indian, uniting the nation in gratitude for our heroes. Releasing in cinemas this Republic Day week on January 24th, 2025.