It all began in 2005 with Sarkar, the superhit film directed by Ram Gopal Varma and starring Amitabh Bachchan in the titular role. The story continued in Sarkar Raj (2008), which once again saw the Mr. Bachchan reprise his role as the mafia boss. The film once again hit big box office numbers. Now Ram Gopal Varma has Sarkar 3 in the works and according to the director this will bring the Angry Bachchan back to the big screen.
To give us more insight into what we can expect from the new film, Ram Gopal Varma has released a note about Sarkar 3.
“SARKAR 3 – Return of the Angry Man
Ever since people first saw Zanjeer, the emotion of Anger has been synonymous with the name Amitabh Bachchan.
Anger against injustice, Anger against suppression and Anger against exploitation were hallmarks of the various characters he played, which collectively made him India’s biggest superstar.
But over the last so many years, because of him being such a tremendous actor, many directors, including me, went on this greedy trip of wanting to capture his various other shades and in that process we actually forgot what Amitabh Bachchan really is.
The only time I remember seeing Anger in him, in the last 10 years is in Sarkar. Not a single director in the last decade or so exploited that power which only he can create on screen….Even me with all my understanding of his cinematic power, I created only mild characters like in Rann, Nishabd etc. Anger is a very common emotion but Amitabh Bachchan’s anger gives that very same emotion a very superior and larger than life quality and that’s what I tried to capture in Sarkar
This time in Sarkar 3, the scale and the negative forces of the earlier two Sarkar films will pale in comparison and that will of course make him Angrier than ever before.
All in all I just want to say this that Sarkar 3 will be the Return of Bachchan’s Anger.”
The first look will be released on August 26th and we can’t wait. Watch this space for more about Sarkar 3!