To Preity’s Defense

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Just yesterday we reported that Preity Zinta, who was celebrating her 34th birthday and had thrown a small but grand gala for her in friends, had been told off by the police for playing loud music into the wee hours of the night. Running to her defense today, pretty PZ was upset that so much hoopla was being created about her musical situation. She went on to state to a local news channel, “I had a party and the police came and put the music off. They also fined me and I paid it on the same night. I also have the receipt for the same. The music did not come up again as mentioned on some sensational channels.”

Additionally, she went on to reinstate that she is in fact a law abiding citizen and is not happy with the news channels carrying stories of her taking advantage of her stardom, which she claims she obviously did not. In addition, she said that news flashes on the channels also spoke of the situation being a “rich versus poor” one which again angered the actress. Her last words to the media before she signed of were, “There should be a law against sensational and false news being passed off on news channels as news. I am a law-abiding citizen so please check your facts before putting it on TV.”

Ouch Preity! We know such events can be disturbing and upsetting but no need to create such a ruckus now!

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