Vivek Dances with Joy

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Not only is Vivek Oberoi considered one of the best actors in Bollywood, he is also considered one of the best dancers and this is especially because of the joy that he puts in every movement. Vivek is also a man who really works for those less fortunate and his charity work is very important to him. If you combine both the dancing and the humanitarian aspects you can see why Vivek was chosen to be the chief guest at the Arts In Motion (AIM) “Dance with Joy, Challenging Differences Accepting Autism” festival in Mumbai.

Vivek in an earlier interview said, “I am very happy to participate in AiM 2010 where the spotlight is on helping autistic children to dance with joy and embrace life fully. It is very interesting to see how AiM can leverage dance as an art form to heal lesser privileged people and give them immense joy.”

Besides promising to be there for the special event, Vivek also danced and interacted with the kids at rehearsals when he visited Sion’s Motion Dance Academy. Director Aanchal Gupta said, “We invited Vivek Oberoi and we wanted him to spend some time with the autistic children who will be performing on ‘Dance with Joy’ and also dance with them so that he could motivate them and I think both Vivek and children enjoyed a lot.” Vivek certainly did and wrote about the experience on Twitter, “With all the adorable lil angels. For all that we hear about mental boundaries and behavior issues, despite autism the kids were all love love and only love! The purest form you can ever find! Got soooooo many huggies and sooooo much love from the adorable angels…I’m in bliss! Some things recharge our souls and make the bond with god stronger…today was one such special experience…I am a lucky guy!”

At the performance on July 24th, Vivek said, “The children are nothing less than superstars. We all need to educate ourselves about autism and the way we perceive it. A lot of people stereotype autistic children- as disabled, but tha’s not the case – they are not disabled but differently abled. And music and dance can extend beyond the stage and change lives.”

And the next morning Vivek tweeted, “Had such a gr8 time last evening, went to watch and support these adorable angels DANCE on stage! These autistic children were superstars last night and ROCKED on stage…it was amazing to see how happy they were, their smiles melted our hearts, their joy was infectious…truly inspiring to see that dance, music and love can heal anything in the world!”

We applaud Vivek and all those who worked with these special kids to make a night that brought joy to everyone!

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