Fox Star Studios and VB Pictures film Matru Ki Bijlee ka Mandola has earned rupees 22.4 crores in the first weekend. With first day and paid previews adding upto 7.02 cr, MKBKM is Vishal Bhardwaj and Imran khan’s biggest first day collections. The weekend collections of 22.4 crores is the highest number for a Vishal Bhardwaj film. With today being a holiday because of Makar Sankranti and Pongal should continue with good numbers!
Speaking about the encouraging numbers, Vishal says,”Our country is going through a massive trasition and I wanted to make a film about the social and political scene in the country but wanted to do it in a humorous tone. The response from the public and specially the young adults has made me realise that Indian audiences are open to satire that doesnt always state the obvious.”
Whether its a comedy or a serious film, Vishal Bhardwaj always manages to evoke a very strong and polarised reactions from audience and critics. Omkara, Kaminey and Maqbool films that picked up cult status over time, faced tremendous resistance from a section of trade, media and audience when they initially released. MKBKM is no exception with people who “hated” and those who “loved” it. Vishal, no novice to the extreme reactions, feels strong and different reactions is the sign of an vibrant society and should be encouraged.
Vijay Singh, ceo, Fox Star Studios, says, “MKBKM is a very special film .. It has the audacity to take on real issues in our society but present them with such wicked wit .. It’s funny, it’s intelligent, it’s cool is the new age Jaane hi bhi do yaaro! The film is being appreciated by plex audiences, in particular across the North, Bangalore and Hyderabad.”
Legendary actor Amitabh Bachchan loved it and even took to social media to talk about the film. He tweeted, ” MKBKM : Matru Ki Bijli Ka Mandola – Vishal Bharadwaj’s new film… A superlative performance by Pankaj Kapur and a film that has been made intelligently. Covers several topics in an innovative style. A land issue much like Singur, rich and poor divide, communism of takes, anti alcohol, love triangle (DDLJ style), politics – all portrayed in a manner not unknown to us, yet unknown ….a composite satire, if ever satires could be composite.”
Critic Rajeev Masand said – Mad and clever and relevant all rolled into one. The year’s first gem has arrived.
Director Anurag Kashyap – It’s the most kickass funny film and intelligent and relevant film of our times.
Pritish Nandy – Wicked wit. And Pankaj Kapur proving again his peerless acting prowess.
We here at BollySpice also loved it, check out our review here.
Check out our cool interview with Anushka and Imran too!