Both director Aditya Chopra and star Ranveer Singh have nothing but praise for each other after working together on Befikre. In fact, we recently learned that the only actor Chopra could see in the lead role was Ranveer Singh. While Ranveer, was Befikre to be in the film and working with him
In a new open letter, the director recently revealed that he wrote the script of the film Befikre, keeping the lead actor Ranveer Singh in mind and would not have made it without him.
He also shared that Ranveer represents the careless, the reckless and the uninhibited and that he embodies the spirit of the film. He also compares Ranveer with Shah Rukh Khan by drawing a parallel of how the two leading men of the Hindi film industry have covered his film making flaws. He highlights that both of the actors share the same energy, brilliance and intellect though their acting styles and processes are different. However, Chopra adds that he is glad that Singh made it easier for him to direct a romantic film minus Khan, who has graced all three of Chopra’s directorial ventures — Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge, Mohabbatein and Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi.
Check out the full letter here
And as a cool bonus we also have a special video Ranveer, Vaani, music composers Vishal-Shekhar talk about the amazing experience working with Chopra
Befikre, which is set to release on December 9th also stars Vaani Kapoor and is produced under the banner of Yash Raj Films.