Watch Oscar-winning Makeup Artist Greg Cannom transform Rishi Kapoor into a 90-year-old man

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Rishi Kapoor has already shocked his fans with a new avatar in Karan Johar’s next production Kapoor and Sons – Since 1921, in which he plays a 90-year-old grandfather. But not many know that the actor’s make-up has been done by Oscar-winning American make-up artist Greg Cannom, who has worked on Titanic, and was the man behind Brad Pitt’s flawless facial transformation in The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button.

Talking about creating the look, makeup artist Greg said “They asked me to do an age makeup on Rishi Kapoor, who is a fantastic actor and also a lot of fun to work with. For this look I mostly used silicon, which is very expensive and difficult to work with. It takes about 5 – 6 hours each time and with makeup, there is no way of rushing into things. I have to add that I only create makeup but the actor brings the makeup to life”.


Rishi Kapoor, an actor par excellence, loves playing varied kinds of roles. Once a lover boy, Rishi Kapoor appears in a number of avatars in films these days. Talking about Rishi Kapoor’s look the director Shakun said “Rishiji’s character is extremely integral to the storyline. I had gone to meet Rishiji to discuss the script and his look, he showed me a picture from The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button on his mobile phone. Co- incidentally I found out that Cannom was in Mumbai for another film. So, we met him. He is so brilliant. He works on the make-up minutely, as per the characterization details and script.” As said to The Hindustan Times

Watch Greg Cannom recreate Rishi Kapoor’s look here for Kapoor & Sons here:

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