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Naturally, Rahman gets a track of his own, titled ‘Meherbaan’…

I get to go first on ‘Meherbaan’ because it was my other absolute favorite song, or I guess songs, because there is one sung by Rahman as well as an instrumental version. About the track with Rahman, all I can say is I loved the mellifluous tune, loved his voice on the track, LOVED the back ground music, loved the mood, loved the harmonies… can you tell I just loved the song? We are also treated to an instrumental version, and here you get see again his genius at arranging songs. The music is just so gorgeous, so full of sound, and made me love the song even more. A highlight is the guitar solo played by Sanjeev Thomas.

Okay, I get that you loved it, Stacey! I think any A.R. Rahman album is incomplete without hearing the maestro sing himself. I think more than the vocals though, this track is superior in terms of music. There are a lot of instruments, but they’re used in moderation. My favourite parts are when the piano is used! And it works with the rest of the album because once again, it offers you something new. I’m not quite sure if it’s my favourite, but I’ll take something innovative any day over old wine in a new bottle. Also, just thought I’d point out the striking lyrics.

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