Fashion Blunders of 2007

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The Saawariya Premiere brigade: Was it something in the air that night?

Alisha Chinnoy

Here’s my theory about the disaster she happens to have on. She was really getting late for the premiere, hence decided to wrap all her tablecloths and heavy curtains around her, plucked a flow from her garden and stuck it in her head. All just to make it on time! Feel our pain Alisha, please. Stop dressing in draperies and wear actual gowns! Yes, you STILL do have that bod!

Hema Malini

The usually age appropriate and elegantly dressed Hema messed up at the premiere. With an oriental inspired outfit, she looked less than appealing. I personally was shocked since I can always depend on her to come out dressed in a beautiful sari or shalwar-kameez, looking like a million bucks. But she disappointed.

Sonali Kulkarni

YIKES! A really really bad choice for an outfit to wear at a premier first of all, secondly, its see through, and granted maybe she didn’t have that in mind that when the camera bulb flashes, it captures absolutely everything. We feel bad that this happened to her, but even if we look at that outfit she’s wearing in singularity – her mistake cannot be pardoned!

Special Mention:
Monica Vaziralli

The less said about this woman, the better. We though of putting her in for kicks, honoring her in a way, rooting her on in her quest to grab tightly to the youth she has left behind. No I’m kidding! At her age, she should be dressing a bit more decently… but she doesn’t. We can’t do anything about that, except for continuing to gawk. Yeah!

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