Social Networking Site, Twitter has become part of our daily lives and routines. In 140 characters, we tell anyone and everyone about our feelings of happiness, sadness, excitement and frustration. A number of Bollywood actors have also found themselves hooked on to this exciting network, allowing them to connect directly with their fans, set the record straight over gossip or rumors and even use it as a promotional platform for upcoming films. Whether they are tweeting from the set of their new movie, a hotel room or over dinner with friends, Bollywood’s Twittersphere is abuzz with Bollywood tweets. Through it, we have learned that our favorite stars are just like us – who share the same joys as we do as well as other grievances, whether it’s insomnia or a bad hair day!
Let’s take a look at Bollywood’s Top 10 Tweeters for 2010.

10. Farah Khan @thefarahkhan
The ever bubbly choreographer turned director had a very warm welcome from the film fraternity when she joined Twitter. Her positive character definitely reflects in her tweets which are written in English and Hindi. Her humorous tweets are often about motherhood, meetings with her friends and more recently of her forthcoming film, Tees Maar Khan.
If you’ve heard Farah speaking, you can almost hear her voice when reading her tweets, like:
Thank u 4 ur warm welcome back.I swear even my own mother didn’t show so much enthusiasm at my return.kya yaar.
Just saw a rough edit of TMK trailor.trailor toh hit hain boss,at least in my saw it bck 2 bck 5 times.bacche ho toh aise
Ass waiter asked me if I was the kids grandmother!!rest assured he got no tip!n no smart comments frm ul pls.